It is important to distinguish between the different levels of hearing loss.


Signs of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss usually occurs progressively over a long span of time. Because the loss is not abrupt, the effects may be difficult to recognize. Because early diagnosis and treatment is important, the first step is recognizing the common symptoms or signs of hearing loss.It is recommended to visit a hearing healthcare provider, if you experience some of the following:

  • You have difficulty following a conversation in a noisy or crowded room.
  • You find it difficult to hear or understand people.
  • It seems like people are mumbling or speaking more softly than in the past.
  • Friends and family have commented on your decreased hearing.
  • You find whispered speech difficult to hear and understand.
  • You raise the volume on the television or radio louder than in the past.
  • You frequently ask others to repeat themselves.
  • You have difficulty hearing clearly on the telephone.
  • It is difficult to understand a speaker at a business meeting or service.
  • You frequently hear a ringing or buzzing in your ears.

Types Of Hearing Loss

It's essential to Recognize the type of hearing loss you are suffering from:

Conductive Hearing Loss

Originates from the outer or middle ear. Causes may include middle ear infection, otosclerosis, cerumen (ear wax) blockage, outer ear deformity, punctured ear drum, or damaged middle ear bones. In most instances, this type of hearing loss can be treated medically or surgically. Hearing amplification may be required by use of hearing aid for optimal hearing rehabilitation after surgery in many cases.

Sensorineural Hearing Loss

This is one of the most common type of hearing loss. The loss originates from nerve damage in the inner ear and reduces the quality and intensity of sound perception. Causes range from aging, heredity and infections to exposure to loud noise or abnormal fluid volume. While this hearing loss is permanent, effective treatment with a hearing instrument amplifies sound and increases hearing sensitivity.

Mixed Hearing Loss

This type of hearing loss originates in both the outer or middle ear and the inner ear (mixed/combination of conductive and sensorineural hearing loss) and can include surgical and hearing instrument treatment options.